Spiritual Counseling

We all face times of challenge. Instead of retreating into our humanness, we can find support for growing through life’s experiences.

Spiritual or Pastoral Counseling is not about rehearsing what is "wrong"; it's a time to have a spiritual coach help you reconnect with your own spiritual power and marshal your spiritual resources to change the way you see yourself and your life.

Our Prayer Chaplains are available to pray with you at the end of our Sunday Service.

Our Prayer Ministry can be reached at 619-579-9586 or by emailing UCEC@UnityofElCajon.org, or you can mail your prayer requests to us at 311 Highland Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020.

If you are attending our Sunday Service, we invite you to fill out a Prayer Request from and place in the Prayer Box in the narthex.

Prayer Chaplain Billiekai Boughton is available by appointment for spiritual counseling.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call the church office at 619-579-9586.

A love offering to the church is appropriate in gratitude for your session.